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Products / MultiName Stamp

MultiName Stamp

Clothing stamp with up to 4 names. Great for bigger families!

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Whether you have just one child or more, this is perfect for very quick and easy labelling. The Multi-name Stamp allows up to 4 names on the same stamp - one on each side. Very cost effective for larger families.

The Multi-name Stamp kit, includes the stamp block with one name and the ink pad containing special clothing ink, all for just £19. Extra names are £4.00. Our stamps are far more competitively priced than others found online but still the best quality.

The special ink goes through the wash and doesn't come off. It should last long enough to label hundreds of garments. If ever the ink dries out you can just buy a new ink pad. 

We recommend stamping directly onto the clothing rather than the care labels as some of them are so silky that they don't absorb the ink. This said, a lot of people do stamp onto care labels and very often it's fine - but we don't guarantee it.

As the ink is black it doesn't show up so well on dark clothing - but you can buy a stamp pack with some BLANK iron-on labels. You can then stamp onto these and iron them on to darker clothes. When doing so be sure to let the ink dry before ironing.

One Multi-name Stamp should last the for the whole of your children's school lives! Just don't lose it !!

The Ink:

  • Will stay on through the wash - it is special textile ink designed to do this.
  • It will stay on for years, although it's normal for it to fade a little after the first wash
  • If kept covered and in a cool dry place it should last for a year or two and not dry out
  • We recommend stamping directly onto clothing rather than on care labels inside clothes because some are so silky that the ink will smudge or bleed
  • It's a good idea to wash any new clothing first - before stamping on it - as chemicals in the clothing might affect the ink.
  • Note: the ink may show through a little on very thin white material e.g. a white shirt, but this can usually be avoided by stamping on a collar or cuff - or at the bottom of a garment where it won't show. On most materials the ink doesn't show through.

The Stamp

  • Stamped impression measures 36mm x 12mm
  • You should be able to use the stamp 100s of times 
  • The ink should last for a good 2 years.
  • If it dries out replacement ink pads can be bought.

How to use a Multistamp


  • Press the name that you want to use into the ink pad.
  • Test it first by trying it on a piece of paper. Make sure there is enough ink on it.
  • Also - try it first to make sure you are not going to stamp the name upside down!
  • Place the clothing to be stamped on a hard flat surface making sure there is no folded or crumpled layer of material underneath the one that you're stamping onto.
  • You need to press the stamp into the ink pad each time you stamp
  • If you are buying the BLANK Iron on labels too (for use on dark clothing) stamp the name carefully in the centre of the label. Let it dry before ironing on the label.
  • Remember to put the cover back on the ink pad to prevent it drying out.

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